Virtual data room (VDR) and Enterprise file share and sync (EFSS) are the most commonly used buzzwords when it comes to sharing of sensitive data between different offices, companies, or countries. Companies uses FTP/SFTP,which is very cumbersome for users and it provides no track to users about the receipt of data. There few specific products available today, but most of them are complex with lot of parameters to check/uncheck when the only requirement a user has is to share file. This is a big turnoff for most of the users and hence users are reluctant to use these solutions and prefer unsecure consumer solutions like Dropbox or Wetransfer. Thus, there is always a demand for simple solution which share/sync file and still maintain thedata security and integrity.Spiderdocs perfectly fill in this space by offering a secure yet, simple to use VDR/EFSS application.
Features Of SpiderDocs
Secure Application
Secure application to share sensitive data across users
Zero Data Leakage
AES 256 bit encryption with secure tunnelling ensures zero data leaks
Secure online view with limited view adds extra layer of security
Easy to Share
Share big size file/folders with the click to individual or to the group of users
Password Protection
Password protection and limits on downloads prevent misuse of data
Forensic Detention
Strong audit trail and tracking of every activity on the platform helps in forensic detention in case of any leakages
Faster Adoption
Flexible deployment and pricing model ensures faster adoption across company
Easy to Access
Web based solution, can login from anywhere, any time