Search engine optimization and Search engine marketing are the most common and effective tools to get your website promoted on internet.

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Search engine Optimization (SEO)

Google defines SEO as "Improving a Website’s presence in organic search engine results". It is basically a process of improving the visibility of your website to online audience via search engines. So the ultimate target in these efforts is to get your website on first or second page for relevant searching.

Search engine Optimization (SEO)

Lot of times SEO and SEM are used interchangeably but in real terms they are very distinct from one another. SEM is "Use of online advertising on search engine result pages".

Thus, SEM involves paid advertisements and there is a process of creating campaigns and measuring results. This is by far the fastest way to get your website on top view on first page. You can set a budget and expect immediate returns on those investments.

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Social Media Optimization (SMO)

In the world of Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, just a website and getting it on first page is not enough. Businesses needs online profiles via these channels to reach to the audience, develop positive image about the brand, and increase visibility. SMO makes it easier for others to share content, built community, let their views heard, and build a strong fan following for the brand.

Social Media Marketing (SMM)

This involves paid advertising thru different social networks. If you have seen advertisements on Facebook page, then it is SMM in action. It is a process of using paid advertising to broaden your customer reach and improve brand exposure.

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